The Ecological Entrepreneur

Our planet needs net zero companies. Companies need sustainability consultancies to get there. Consultants need carbon accounting software to do it efficiently.  

Both Carbon+Alt+Delete and The Ecological Entrepreneur take sustainability to heart. The complementarity of these two companies comes in handy, as they can have an even bigger impact together. One providing essential carbon accounting software, the other helping ecological companies scale their impact and become more sustainable.  

An unmistakable match 

Carbon+Alt+Delete sought out The Ecological Entrepreneur wanting to scale its impact as a software company in carbon accounting for sustainability consultants. Providing such an indispensable tool in the current sustainability climate, they wondered: how to make professionals aware that a software exists that makes spreadsheets tiring and trying? A software that is updated, tried-and-tested, making sure you are compliant and can work efficiently and accurately? That’s where the expertise of The Ecological Entrepreneur comes in handy. As a seasoned professional in commercial growth and the path to sustainability, they support Carbon+Alt+Delete in getting the widespread attention that is needed to have an even bigger impact. Together realising sustainable growth. 

The support goes both ways, when The Ecological Entrepreneur guides companies towards a more sustainable future, they do so using Carbon+Alt+Delete’s carbon accounting software. As a sustainability consultancy, they support companies in disclosing and reducing their carbon footprint and need dedicated carbon accounting software. Calculating scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions of companies to be able to work towards a sustainable future. Meanwhile, they provide the latter with the necessary handles to grow and scale. Together realising sustainable progress that is much needed to make a difference. 

How exactly? 

The Ecological Entrepreneur believes too many sustainable solutions or products make too little impact due to their limited scale. That is exactly what they aim to solve by working across the entire commercial value chain, from first market awareness to customer retention, combined with technology and process automations. This is how they facilitate the process of growing and scaling Carbon+Alt+Delete. 

On the other side, they use the carbon accounting software Carbon+Alt+Delete provides as their default. When defining what actions are sensible, how to be sure they matter and measure their impact, it is of utmost importance to have a grip on a company’s scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Therefore, they conduct a science-based Carbon Analysis for all scopes based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and ISO 14064-1.  

The analysis provides a baseline measurement and exposes the major factors of influence behind the current footprint. The EU is heavily impacted by CSRD and ESRS, and other international standards. Depending on the organisation, they will align with the relevant guidelines and standards. Which is all much easier and verifiably compliant using the software in comparison to using spreadsheets.  

The perks 

The carbon accounting software enables you to: 

  • Ensure compliance and auditability of your carbon accounting processes at all times.   
  • Reduce the time spent to calculate and update the carbon footprint of your clients. Use this saved time to advise your clients on their climate strategy.  
  • Provide your clients with actionable insights into their carbon footprint. Use these insights to develop a coherent carbon mitigation strategy.  

“Our cloud-based software supports the full carbon accounting process. From data collection and reporting, to scenario simulation and auditing. We connect all stakeholders and centralize all data to create a single source of truth about a company’s carbon footprint.” 

How to get started?  

Want to find out more about our software? 

Contact us!